Integrate Agile CRM in Twilio dialer | Nethram LLC

Agile CRM + Twilio Auto dialer

Agile + Twilio

In a few seconds and requires zero coding experience, Twilio auto dialer provides you to Integrate Agile CRM for Twilio Calls and SMS

By connecting Agile CRM in Twilio auto dialer, This extension will search for the contact’s information in your CRM Contacts matching with the incoming or outgoing number during a call event.

Twilio auto dialer helps you to make online calls and send online SMS by just a click thereby saves time and makes easy communication on the CRM itself

Integrate agile in twilio using twilio auto dialer

To integrate Agile CRM in the auto dialer, Go to CRM settings and need to save your “Agile domain”, “user name” and “API Key” into the extension as shown in figure.

These values help to search contacts in agile CRM and are not stored anywhere in the server.