Server virtualization with KVM and OpenVZ Containers

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Server virtualization is a method of dividing computer resources into multiple isolated environments. It hides server resources, including the number and identity of individual physical servers, processors, and operating systems, from server users. Followings are common usage scenarios. Server consolidation: Server consolidation allows an organization to decrease the number of physical servers, by moving their… Read more »

WebRTC with Asterisk 12

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Using webRTC you can directly enable calls from browser without installing softwares like microsip (Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox needed) . This tutorial assumes the user to have basic knowledge of Asterisk, Ubuntu and WebRTC. Asterisk 12.7.0 and Ubuntu 14.04 was used to setup the system. Step 1: Install Updates Step 2 : Install Dependencies… Read more »

Refreshing twilio token programmatically

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Twilio Client uses capability tokens to establish communications between devices to Twilio. Capability tokens allow you to add Twilio capabilities to web and mobile applications.   Allowing incoming and outgoing capability to a twilio client   You create a token on your server and specify what capabilities you’d like your device to have. Here is… Read more »